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Vehicle insuranceProcedure for damage

With the other parties involved in the accident, fill in Accident Report.

Always try to call the police to the accident, but it is important to bear in mind that in many countries the police only investigate certain types of traffic accidents, e.g. where there is personal injury, death or extensive material damage.

If the accident is investigated by the Police, only sign the report if you understand and agree with its wording. Otherwise, write your opinion in Czech. If you disagree or do not understand something or are not-sure of the meaning, never sign the form. In many countries, a signed Accident Report is taken as an acknowledgement of fault.

Write down the names and addresses of the drivers of the other vehicles involved, the details of these vehicles (registration number, registration mark, type and colour of the vehicle) and the witnesses to the accident - as much as possible within the scope of the information. Provide a plan of the accident site and, if possible, photo documentation of the accident site.

Without undue delay :

  • notify that a claim has occurred, stating the facts relating to the claim,
  • submit the relevant documents for the claim and follow our instructions during the investigation.

If you need advice on how to proceed, you can use the services of GLOBAL assistance.

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