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Vehicle insuranceYou have suffered damage while operating a domestic vehicle

Find out from the at-fault-person preferably by checking their documents:

  • their name, surname and place of residence,
  • the name, surname and residence or business name and registered office of the owner of the at-fault-vehicle,
  • the registration (license) plate and the international licence plate of the country of registration of the at-fault-vehicle,
  • the business name and registered office of the insurer with whom the third party liability insurance was taken out, the policy number,
  • if the vehicle of the person that caused the damage is registered in a foreign country, find out the number of the insurance card (complete details in section 4) or the number of the border insurance document for this vehicle and, if possible, obtain photocopies of these documents.

Fill in a claim notification form with the other parties involved in the accident, or use the Accident Report.

If no such form is available, if possible, draw up a written document together with the other parties involved in the accident, giving all the basic identifying details of the accident (in particular the date, time and place of the accident, the parties and vehicles involved), describing how the accident occurred and what damage was caused and to whom. Do not forget to include witnesses, a plan or sketch of the accident site, photo documentation of the accident site, etc. Write down the names and addresses of the drivers of the other vehicles involved, the details of these vehicles (in particular the registration (license plate) number, the make and type and colour of the vehicle) and details of witnesses to the accident.

In the event that a traffic accident results in the:

  • killing or injuring a person,
  • material damage apparently exceeding CZK 100,000 to any of the vehicles involved, including the goods being transported, or to other property,
  • material damage being caused to the property of a third party,

immediately report the accident to the Police of the Czech Republic.

If-the accident is investigated by the Czech Police, sign the police report only if you agree-with its wording. If you disagree, please state your objections.

If the accident did not result in injury or death and if the resulting damage does not exceed CZK 100,000, you do not have to report the accident to the Police of the Czech Republic if you and the other parties involved in the accident agree in writing on fault. A written agreement on fault can be considered a written accident form if its contents clearly indicate the fault of a particular person and if the form is also signed by all the persons to whom the agreement on fault relates.

Tell any interested parties involved in the accident your name and address. To claim for insurance benefits and to provide documentation proving the liability of the driver or operator of another vehicle, please contact the relevant insurer of the at-fault-person or, in the case of a claim for benefits from the guarantee fund, the Czech Insurers' Bureau.

In the event of telephone communication or correspondence, always give as much information as possible about the accident and the at-fault-vehicle.

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